Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The real story about Crist leaving the Republican Party

Let me say first that I am limited regarding what I can say about this due to my membership with the Local REC. I can however raise questions about why exactly Crist would run as an independent, possibly throwing the FL senatorial race to a democrat. Why would Crist do this if he is not a closet liberal (among other things)? Could this move have anything to do with Crist's cozy relationship with Obama? Was he possibly offered something such as a post in the White House to throw an election he can't possibly win? Does he realize that independents disapprove of him almost as much as Republicans because of his lack of action on necessary issues and his actions and support of issues near and dear to our favorite community organizer? I will say that I don't think that Crist will get even 10% of the vote and that the race will not be close enough for the puny vote he gets to make a difference. Between now and election time, Crist will have to announce what party he will caucas with. That will make a huge impact on how voters will feel about him going forward. Hint: There is only one party he can caucas with and that is the one in power. So, doesn't that make it more likely that Crist will split the democrat votes instead of Republican and independent (anti-Obama) votes?

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