Friday, April 30, 2010

Puerto Rico, Estado Numero Cincuenta Uno, Segunda Parte

 51 States and the world Like that title? I am just practicing, trying to remember my Espanol.

So, Following up on Yesterday’s Post,  Puerto Rico – A New State full of Potential Progressive Voters, the House voted In Favor, including 50 of our closest allies  (Distance is relative, remember, Mars is the next closest planet to earth but still a long long… long way from us) the Republicans, to ‘reaffirm’ Puerto Rico’s right to self determination.  A right they have had for six decades now. Let me be clear® I am not against Puerto Rico becoming a State, not if that is really what the People IN –IN-Puerto Rico want.  Heck, it looks like it would be just an abs-o-lutely fantastic place to visit: puerto-rico_HOTTIE The article below is actually from a LeftStreamMedia Source and it almost tells the whole story, of course without any outrage over the bills most ridiculous affront to common sense and ethics to come out of Washington, well in at least the last 24 hours:

Bitter debate ensues as House approves bill that could move Puerto Rico to statehood

 New Progressive Party - Statehood, Security, Progress The House on Thursday approved a bill that could move Puerto Rico to statehood - exposing a rare and bitter rift between New York members from the island territory.

Bronx Democratic Rep. Jose Serrano ( THIS GUY is one of the worst, he is the one that always pushes the bill to remove presidential term limits) backed the measure, calling it a vital step to ending colonial rule, even as his usual ally, Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-Brooklyn) blasted it as a "disgrace," "shameful" and "appalling." (thank you for that, Nydia)

The measure offers Puerto Rico - a U.S. territory for 112 years - a two-step vote.

The first would ask whether Puerto Ricans -

including those living in the States - like the current territorial commonwealth status or if they want change.

If the vote is for change, a second vote would ask what change they want.

"For the first time in 112 years, the Congress of the United States will ask the 4 million American citizens (A huge Liberal Voting Bloc) in Puerto Rico what they wish their relationship to the United States to be," said Serrano.

Velazquez and Harlem Rep. Charlie Rangel, whose father was Puerto Rican, said the measure was a backdoor move to a statehood vote on the island that has failed three times in the past.OH MY GOD, Charlie Rangel said something bordering on common sensical…  I expect to see unicorns any moment now… Puerto-Rico-Patriotic

"It is baffling that the statehood option, which lost in 1967, in 1993 and again in 1998, is now allowed to scheme its way to victory," Velazquez said.

Before the debate, the bill had offered three options for change: statehood, independence or an independent "free association" like three other former U.S. territories.

Velazquez argued that if keeping the current status was no longer on the ballot, statehood - always the second choice in the past - would win by default.

She favors a Puerto Rican constitutional convention.

Velazquez managed to win an amendment to add keeping the status quo to the choices.

"We restored some fairness to a badly flawed process," she said.

Still, Serrano was so pleased he wielded the final gavel, hammering it down with a wide smile.

Hillary having a  Presidente Beer in Puerto Rico 

Arriba La Raza! Viva La Reconquesta!


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