Thursday, April 29, 2010

String of eco-terrorist acts?

Ecoterrorism? Where? Could it be in the Gulf of the coal mines too?
Ask yourself this: How do you get three separate (and unrelated) explosions that blew open 3 pylons on an oil platform that survived 4 category 4 or 5 hurricanes undamaged? Keep in mind those storms created waves over 60 ft tall in open waters and 160mph plus winds. For those rigs to survive such conditions 4 times in 2 years between 04 and 05, they must be rather tough, right? To show you an example of the type of power such acts of nature create, I am posting a photo of Pensacola Pier which if memory serves was about 30 feet tall 24 hours before the arrival of hurricane Ivan in 04. One oil rig measured a wave height of 27 meters in that one. For those who don't know, that's about 80 ft or so.
Knowing that the gulf oil rigs survived those disasters (three I saw firsthand), I can't help but believe the eco-disaster in the Gulf was not an "accident." Add to that: the methane(less) "gas" explosion in the WVA coal mine, and the other coal mine explosion in KY (I'd hate it if my state had that abbreviation), could all related acts of terrorism. My statement regarding this is not without logic. The media really buried the fact that no methane was found in the WV mine, but traces of military grade explosives were. My questions here are first: am I totally wrong here, second: and if not who is responible?
There is the obvious pick, the teleprompter. Is it muslim extremists...or could it be the green terrorists such as ELF? Then again, it could be other parties less obvious but no less insidious. The Mexican Cartels have just seen their most profitable avenue of business (Arizona) cut off. Remember too, this is a BP rig. That's British Petroleum. Our relations with Britain have "cooled" recently. Relations with Israel have not been affected by "global warming" either. The (Israeli intelligence and destruction agency) Mossad is everywhere after all. So is it so insane to think that these could all be related and intentional events when the teleprompter promised to "destroy the coal industry" and promised that "energy prices must necessarily skyrocket?" Given that all our previous allies hate us now, our enemies think we are weak, why should we not think that these occurrences are all related and terrorist acts?

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