Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Simple solution for Arizona immigration: Mexifornia

Yes. I have a simple solution for the immigration law protests in Arizona. We don't need to boycott Arizona. We don't need to make refried bean swastikas. The solution doesn't even involve Arizona. My solution is to give the illegals California. We can call it Mixifornia. Let them assume California's debt, sovreignty and grant them secession from the Union. We could keep our Flags the same by granting Puerto Rico statehood. After all, at least Puerto Ricans are proud to be American citizens. We could even give back all the californian representation in Washington DC. After all, once Pelosi dies (if she's not dead already) she has so much plastic and composite materials under whatever material NASA has created for her to call skin that she could be simply stuck on a pole and made a statue. She could be the Mexifornia national mascot known as the Chupacabra (a demon from Caribbean folklore). The illegals could migrate to California and get everything for free all the time. They could hate their gringos all they want and be free to smuggle all the coke, meth, and illegals to Mexifornia and leave them there, and the rest of us alone. After all, when you boil this dispute down to the real issues, it is about race pimping, bringing in a new working class to be government dependent and getting them hooked on drugs so that they can go through the revolving door of the legal system, further enslaving them. So let's start a petition drive for the foundation of Mexifornia, to stop the illegal immigration problem once and for all!!!!!

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